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Checkout Lamp's Pest Solutions Watch Video

Finding The Best Pest Control Company To Solve your house mouse Problem In Lexington SC

What Are Pests

Pests are organisms that are harmful or seen as a nuisance to humans, crops, livestock, and the overall environment. Many pests create health problems for people, spread diseases, and/or damage homes. Pests include insects, rodents, birds, plants, and other organisms. We will primarily be talking about pests such as bugs and rodents in this article.

What Do Pests Look Like

Pest identification will vary depending on the type of pest. Insects and rodents can be distinguished by their body shape and features like antennae, wings/fins, and legs (insects) or tails, paws, ears (rodents). Birds are identified by their feathers; plants by their flowers or fruit.

Pests are very common throughout South Carolina, and obviously, the Columbia SC area seems to have an abundance of pests. Due to our conducive warm humid weather, our pest pressure explodes and they reproduce quickly and have a large number of offspring at one time. This makes it necessary for people to hire pest control companies who can answer any pest dilemmas.

What are some of the common types of Local pest control methods For SC Pest Control?

Integrated pest management

a pest control strategy used in residential and commercial solutions that uses monitoring to search for populations of pests and natural means to kill them. This can help reduce the use of conventional pesticides.

Chemical Pesticides

a pest control tactic used in both residential and commercial solutions that uses synthetic chemicals or natural products to kill insects, rodents.

Insecticides are used to kill insects. Insecticides can be beneficial in pest control when they are in an environment that has a high density of pests. This is beneficial because the insects will have fewer places with food and shelter, increasing their chance of being killed by insecticides.

Biological Controls-

These are living organisms that eat or parasitize other harmful pests. A very effective example for bed bug treatments in Lexington SC would be a professional grade product called Apprehend which can last up to 90 days.

Mechanical Control-

 When approaching pest control, you usually think about methods with pesticides or chemicals. However, if you are looking for organic ways to keep pests away from your home and garden, snap traps or glue traps can be great options! Snap traps are great at eliminating mice in the home while glue traps are ideal for catching cockroaches when placed strategically around your house. Both snap traps and glue boards allow you to dispose of the pests without needing chemical spray afterward, making them safer than using snap or glue traps alone.

Snap Traps

    Snap traps work by springing closed when weight is applied to the trap platform. The mouse, or another small rodent, is caught on a sticky pad that sticks to the animal’s feet. The snap trap is usually baited with peanut butter or cheese, making it appetizing to mice and other small rodents. When placing snap traps around your home, you should place them in areas where mouse droppings have been found, because this will indicate that there are pests currently living in that area.          

Glue Boards

    Glue boards work by trapping an animal on a sticky surface. Different than snap traps which kill the rodent immediately, glue traps catch the pest alive so it can be released later away from your home if desired. This type of trap is less likely to scare pets because they do not snap or make any noise when used properly.

Rodent and Insect Exclusion-

Blocking rodents and insects from getting in is a big part of pest control. Exclusion offers more long-term protection from Pest Rodents (Mice, rats) and insects such as roaches spiders and flying insects can get into your home by going through holes or gaps. These creatures cause damage to food supplies, urinate/defecate causing damage to property, and even transmit diseases to humans. Blocking these organisms from entering the house prevents all these things from occurring. There are many ways of preventing rodents and insects from entering a home such as installing screens on doors/windows, covering gaps with steel wool, caulking around pipes, etc.

Real Worl Experience

Here are some examples of how rodent and bug exclusion may play out in the “real world”in the Columbia area for some of the most difficult pests

House Mouse Exclusion In Lexington SC

A Lexington SC man’s garage was being invaded by mice which were allowing the mice to enter his house. He decided to hire a home pest control provider that specializes in rodent exclusion. The rodents were then prevented from entering the garage by sealing up holes with the appropriate materials. Eliminating all the mice from the garage made this pest control professional a hero to the man’s family.

A Business In Lexington South Carolina

A new restaurant in Lexington SC with several commercial locations was being infested with all kinds of insects due to a crack in the air conditioner unit leading into an open room. They called a pest control company with experience dealing in insect exclusion who fixed the problem by caulking around the air conditioners and repairing/sealing up cracks found around vents on walls or ceilings.

A Lady called for services in Columbia SC for Mice Problem

A Columbia SC woman’s home was frequently invaded by mice each time she opens her kitchen cupboards because there was a hole near where one of her pipes led to the outside.

She called a pest management company to fix the problem and rodents were blocked from entering her home by sealing up that hole with steel wool and caulking around all pipes entering/exiting the house to keep them dry.

Ants coming through a crack in the window frame of a Columbia South Carolina home.

Lamp’s Pest Solutions performed a home inspection for a family in the Columbia area for ant control. The pest control technician noticed a trail of ants traveling along the edge of the house after a thorough inspection. He followed the house all the way to a crack in the window. He recommended doing a treatment using an ant gel bait and a non -repellent liquid product.

He suggested a follow-up service where he could exclude the ants by applying caulk around the window cracks. The family was so pleased with the solution and outstanding service that they left a Five -Star Google Review for the Lexington SC-based pest control company and are still an existing customer today.



Tips for finding the best pest control company to solve your pest problems

A pest infestation can be hazardous to your health, unpleasant to cohabitate with, and just plain annoying. When seeking out the best pest control solution it is important to consider multiple factors. For example, what species are you dealing with? How serious is the problem? What type of service do you want? Smaller companies tend to offer more personalized services at a lower cost than large national chains. Below are four tips for finding the best pest management company for your needs.

Consider what species are present in your home

Different pests require different solutions. Along with considering whether you have cockroaches, ants, bed bugs, or fleas; it is helpful to pay close attention to where they are found and how many there are. For example, do you have cockroaches in your cabinets or just under the sink?

Think about the degree of infestation

A rat or mice problem for residential and commercial customers is not the same as seeing one small spider. When it comes to rodent control one quickly starts a rodent control service because rats or mice can damage property, but one little spider can just be pushed outside.

What you consider a serious pest problem might be different than what your neighbor considers one. Ants may be no big deal to some people but an army of ants marching through your kitchen can mean dinner covered in formic acid. On the reverse side, termites don’t always cause an infestation, but when they do it can cost thousands of dollars to fix and take years for trees to recover fully from the damage. An expert opinion will help you decide how serious a problem is present and provide an appropriate estimate for services rendered. No two pest problems are alike. The severity of infestation should be part of your criteria for choosing the best pest control business in the greater Columbia area.

Determine what type of service you require

Do you just need a one-time treatment or do you want biweekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly treatments? Most bug control companies Lexington SC and Columbia South Carolina offer more than one type of service and different packages to accommodate your needs and budget. The frequency and nature of treatments should also take into your decision as well as the length of the contract; which is an agreement to continue services regardless of whether pests return. These factors can all play a role in finding the best price for services rendered. It’s important that you like the people doing the work too! This doesn’t mean that they need to be your friends but it does help if the people doing the work are courteous and professional. This can be a deciding factor for many people so it is important to consider who will be entering your home on a regular basis.

One Time




by monthly



Research local Columbia SC Pest control companies

Before you begin searching for the best pest control service provider, ask around! Do your friends or family members have any recommendations? You could also check with neighbors or co-workers that may have recently dealt with pest problems. If you do not get any leads then it might be time to turn to Google! It’s amazing how much information there is online these days about almost every topic under the sun but finding specific reviews on companies offering pest control services can prove to be more difficult than you think. A great place to look for reviews

How to determine if a company is reputable or not

There are a lot of pest control companies out there. Trust is a major thing when looking for someone to come out and do work for your home, especially if you have children or pets. Trust in their experience, knowledge, and expertise with the equipment they use is essential.

It’s not that hard to determine if a company is reputable or not! In fact, it can be broken down into six easy-to-follow steps:

1. Trust Your Gut

When you call up this company and speak with one of their employees over the phone before anything else, do you feel at ease? Do the interactions give you an understanding that this company cares about its customers? Trusting your gut feeling may help determine what kind of people you are dealing with. If the person on the other end of the phone is kind, well-spoken, and seems to care about your concerns, chances are you have a legitimate company.

2. Trust Reviews

This step is very simple: do online research to see what other people say about this company. Trusting reviews for providers of pest control services can also help determine whether or not you’ve stumbled upon a shady company that may cause more headaches than good results in terms of pest control services. While reading reviews, pay close attention to details such as timeliness of the service, punctuality, friendliness and professionalism, knowledge and expertise, quality of work done, value for money spent on service, and overall satisfaction. These should help give you a better idea of whether or not the company you are looking at is reputable.

Review Sites You might look at to help in your search for the best exterminating service in Columbia

We have attached a link below each site for Lamp’s Pest Solutions


3. Trust Friends

Not all friends are qualified to give you advice on which pest control companies to pick for your residential pest control services, but it never hurts asking them if they have used this service before. Ask them if they recommend it and what kind of experience did they have with the company in the past. Trusting recommendations from friends can also help give you a better idea of whether or not you are dealing with a legitimate business outfit. If several people come out saying that this pest company treats its customers well, shows good work ethic, reliable employees, punctual, thorough in execution, etc., chances are it’s one worth checking out further without any doubt!

4. Trust Company Reputation

Do not just listen to what people say about this company, either online or offline. Trust the company itself. Trust their marketing material. Trust their website, which should list all of their staff members ‘ names and photos for transparency purposes so customers can know who they are dealing with. Trust license/certificates are available for viewing on the site, too! If you don’t see any information on these items, do some more homework before contacting them because chances are it’s a scam.

5. Trust Equipment Used

This is one of the most important things that reputable pest control companies need to be able to prove to their customers: they need to demonstrate that they have enough equipment necessary to get rid of pests in both your home and the surrounding areas. Trusting the equipment used is essential because they may not actually use what they say they will when it comes down to taking action on pests in your home. You need to be sure that the company has enough experience, equipment, and knowledge to get rid of pests using effective treatment methods . Trusting this information can help determine whether or not you’ve landed with a legitimate service provider or if you should keep looking elsewhere for someone who may be better equipped to do the job properly.

6. Trust Your Instincts

If all else fails, trust your gut instincts! If after reading reviews, talking to friends and/or family members, checking out their website, reviewing their licensing documents, etc.,

Why you should always read reviews before hiring any type of service provider (including a pest control company)

The importance of asking questions during the initial consultation process with potential companies


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